So real, it's surreal! Live and in color! Memetic and psychoactive! Almost endorsed by Tommy Wiseau! New and improved! More neurotic than ever!


There really isn't anything interesting here yet. Can 'nothing' be 'useless' ? I guess you can't use it, so there's no use, but it's also not in the way. But it's not really 'nothing' if there's something here, either. Just nothing interesting. Maybe that's more useless? You could sure waste time reading it. And, overall, it's probably crap. Sorry, but you were warned.

ok, fine

Here are some 'fun facts' to make you feel better. They may not be fun, and they may not be facts, but you can bet they'll be useless.

  • The non-black color predominantly featured on this site is #FFF8E7, also known as 'cosmic latte'. It's the average color of the universe, apparently. I thought that was kind of nice, and it's easier to look at than a pure white.
  • The ESRB rating is in white and black. This is because the ESRB mandates that its logo is rendered in black and white, and my usage is clearly endorsed *and* official. Actually, it's because making it the other color is a pain in the ass, but the other thing is also true.
  • I consider myself a resident of Washington, D.C. This is because I think it's just about the epicenter of fiction, globally. It also has cherry blossoms.
  • An early working title for a project related to Cardiac Shortcut was 'Autophagia'. I think it is outrageously cool and will probably use it for something related at some point.
  • I can juggle, unicycle, walk on a circus ball, and perform several other kinds of equilibristic circus thing. You'll never see it. I'm a clown, I'm not your clown. Go watch some Steve-O clips. He's certified. Or maybe Kenny will be nicer about it than I am.
  • Puns, alliteration, and calculatedly incoherent babbling are all higher-order forms of expression.
  • The Tommy Wiseau thing is super real. He was the first review for Cardiac Shortcut, not that he ever read it- his response to the pitch was "Very Sci-fi, is cool!" or "Is cool, very Sci-fi!" or something. He's one of my heroes.
  • The website has an easter egg or two.
  • I share my name with some dead lady from Iowa. Sorry, ma'am.
  • There's this line from the Reggie Watts song 'Fuck Shit Stack': "I'm a cartoon character! You'll never be able to be like me!" I took that as a personal challenge.
  • Two wrongs don't make a right. They also don't make a left, unless they're kinetic wrongs. Then hope two wrongs aren't right into a wall.
  • Nearly 100% of all animal bites happen at the front end of the animal, since that's where the mouth is.